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Additional Resources

Information and Insight for Teaching


Websites about Race, Racism, Anti-Racism

Eugenics Archive - Race and Racialism


Race:  The Power of an Illusion

Online companion to RACE - The Power of Illusion, a three-part PBS documentary series produced by California Newsreel. The site contains a wealth of information for educators and the general public, including self-paced interactivities, background readings, a moderated discussion with scholars, a discussion guide, transcripts, and more.


Interactive Websites

Harvard Implicit Association Tests

"Project Implicit blends basic research and educational outreach in a virtual laboratory at which visitors can examine their own hidden biases.   The Project Implicit site ( has been functioning as a hands-on science museum exhibit, allowing web visitors to experience the manner in which human minds display the effects of stereotypic and prejudicial associations acquired from their socio-cultural environment."  [From the Project Implicit Website:  http:///]

A web site supplement for a McGraw-Hill anthology entitled Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination. The publishers allow access for anyone "interested in the causes and consequences of prejudice."  Contains a variety of interactive exercises and over 2,000 links to various resources, including searchable databases.


Eugenics Archive

This fascinating site contains a variety of information and photographs about the American Eugenics movement. "Eugenics was, quite literally, an effort to breed better human beings – by encouraging the reproduction of people with "good" genes and discouraging those with "bad" genes. Eugenicists effectively lobbied for social legislation to keep racial and ethnic groups separate, to restrict immigration from southern and eastern Europe, and to sterilize people considered"genetically unfit."" [From the Eugenics Archive website]


The Generation Gap: Talking about Your Generation

This site contains essays and interactive polls related to various age groups in the United States.

RACE: Are We So Different?

A project of the American Anthropological Association's online resource for an interactive educational museum program that explores race in society, history, and science.


Diversity in the Workplace

Workplace Diversity Network Professional Resources

This site lists a variety of articles about diversity in the workplace.


Profiles in Diversity Journal

An ejournal about diversity issues in business, government, non-profit, higher education and military settings.


Resource Websites on Disability

The Invisible Disabilities Association encourages, educates and connects people and organizations touched by illness, injury and disability around the globe.

The federal government website for comprehensive information on disability programs and services in communities nationwide.

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is the nation's premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America.

A Wealth of information about employment and youth with disabilities.

Video Resources on Communication and Difference/Diversity

Videos about Identity



Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class video clip

Seven-minute clip from the documentary Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class, based on the book by Pepi Leistyna. Examines narrow working class representations across the history of U.S. television.


Tammy’s Story

Clip from the PBS documentary “People Like Us: Social Class in America.” Tells the story of Tammy Crabtree, a working-class woman who lives in rural Waverly, Ohio.


Bill Moyer's Journal - Rising Inequality in America

Moyer interviews “Nickel and Dimed” author Barbara Ehrenreich on rising inequality in America


Social Class in America (1957)

“Sociology” video from 1957 asserts that America offers vertical mobility, which not only achievable in our society—but one that “is particularly characteristic of the United States.”




Generation Next - Speak Up, Be Heard (2007)

One-hour documentary (aired on PBS) about 16-25 year olds in the United States. For more information, see:


Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible (2006)

Features experiences of white women and men who have worked to gain insight into what it means to challenge notions of racism and white supremacy in the United States. (50 minutes). World Trust Educational Services, Inc. Oakland.


Race - The Power of an Illusion 2003 [VHS or DVD]

Three-part documentary (56 minutes each) which "questions the very idea of race as biology, suggesting that a belief in race is no more sound than believing that the sun revolves around the earth." For more information, see:


Skin deep 1995 [videorecording]

An Iris Films production ; producer, director, Frances Reid ; writers, Sharon Wood, Frances Reid.

A diverse group of college students reveals their honest feelings and attitudes about race and racism. Students are interviewed alone, and then discuss the issues in a group setting.


In whose honor? 1996 [videorecording]

Indian mascots and nicknames in sports / written, produced and edited by Jay Rosenstein.

Discussion of Chief Illiniwek as the University of Illinois mascot, and the effect the mascot has on Native American peoples. Graduate student Charlene Teters shares the impact of the Chief on her family. Interviewees include members of the Board of Regents, students, alumni, current and former "Chiefs" and members of the community.

Inclusive Leadership:

Promoting the Power of Workplace Diversity

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Brenda J. Allen, Ph.D.

Professor Emerita Brenda J. Allen (Ph.D., Howard University) is the former Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion (Chief Diversity Officer) at the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus. During almost 30 years in the University of Colorado system, Dr. Allen developed a track record for scholarship, teaching, service, mentorship, and training related to organizational communication, social identity, and leadership, with an emphasis on higher education.

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